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Category: Generative AI

Strategies to Use Generative AI in Marketing

Google Cloud helps bring generative AI to the marketing sector, too GPT-3 in particular has also proven to be an effective, if not perfect, generator of computer program code. Given a description of a “snippet” or small program function, GPT-3’s Codex program — specifically trained for code generation — can produce code in a variety […]

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What is Natural Language Processing? Knowledge

Top 10 Interesting NLP Project Ideas Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing systems can understand the meaning of a sentence by analysing its words and the context in which they are used. This is achieved by using a variety of techniques such as part of speech tagging, dependency parsing, and semantic analysis. In addition, NLP […]

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What is Natural Language Processing? Knowledge

Top 10 Interesting NLP Project Ideas Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing systems can understand the meaning of a sentence by analysing its words and the context in which they are used. This is achieved by using a variety of techniques such as part of speech tagging, dependency parsing, and semantic analysis. In addition, NLP […]

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